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Art Prints & Canvas

In addition to stationery printing services, we can create a beautiful custom printed Art Print or Canvas with your design on it. Choose from low cost Art Prints, they are museum quality and created with fade resistant 19pt Savoy Cotton archival paper and ink. They come in many sizes, from 5" x 7" up to 20" x 29". For a luxury home decor piece or wedding gift, choose custom printed canvas. Canvases are available in six different sizes and also include our new 12" x 16.5" canvas hanging banner which is secured to a dowel with a ribbon for easy hanging. And canvas growth charts are a customer favorite too, at 12" x 37" with ribbon for hanging and dowels at top and bottom. Put a child's name or family name on a growth chart for a birthday gift, new baby or housewarming present for a family with little cuties. Art Prints also work as signage for weddings and special events. You can order just one, choose flat foil art prints for a formal event.

Custom printed Art Prints and Canvas are easy to order. Just create a file with the instructions you'll find on the product page for the size you've chosen and upload a hi res pdf file. We will drop ship your order to the address of your choice. Shipping does not include an invoice in the box, just a packing slip that can include your logo. Creative professionals with an active account receive wholesale printing prices, create an account today or make sure you are logged in to see your discounted pricing on Art Prints and Canvas.